A competition for a $100 million grant to fund a single proposal that promises real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time.
Some problems cannot be solved by grants of the size that foundations typically provide. By funding at a level far above what is typical in philanthropy, we can address problems and support solutions that are radically different in scale, scope, and complexity. $100 million is a large enough sum to focus on a serious problem and its solution in a meaningful and lasting way. We hope that 100&Change can inspire a conversation about solutions and about how we can solve some of our most significant problems.
The openness of 100&Change is a counterbalance to the Foundation’s Big Bets which strive for transformational impact in areas identified by the Foundation’s board and staff. We recognize that we do not know it all and designed 100&Change to be agnostic with respect to field or problem area.
We seek proposals that articulate both a problem and its solution. Competitive proposals will address a significant problem and provide a solution that is impactful, evidence-based, feasible, and durable.