Accelerating investment in distributed clean energy
CleanCapital breaks down barriers to entry to invite direct investment in clean energy generation. Using cutting edge data and analytics, we canvass the market for quality projects and bundle them into high-performing portfolios for our investors. Our innovative technology streamlines the acquisition process, enabling us to underwrite and diligence renewable energy portfolios efficiently. Then we manage them into the future to optimize returns.
Our mission.
CleanCapital’s founding mission is to accelerate the flow of institutional capital into clean energy. Why? Connecting investors to opportunities in clean energy will drive renewable energy capacity, reducing the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and generating attractive returns to boot.
The climate crisis.
Scientists have been ringing the climate change alarm bells for years, but their warnings are becoming increasingly dire. We must immediately cut carbon-dioxide emissions to avoid its worst forecasted effects; failing to do so will result in $54 trillion in damage by as early as 2040.
Shifting the world’s power generation from fossil fuels to renewable sources is a prerequisite to any set of climate solutions. The good news? Converting to a clean energy economy presents considerable opportunities for those who lead the charge.
Investing in a sustainable future.
Experts estimate that $9.9 trillion will be invested in new zero-carbon power generation capacity through 2050. As the clean energy space evolves, distributed generation—mid-size projects that power businesses, schools, and municipalities—will play an increasingly important role in the global energy transition.