Climate Reality
At Climate Reality, we’re here to make urgent action a necessity. In politics. In business. In every aspect of our lives. Everywhere.
Urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and speed the global shift to renewables. Urgent action to halt the Trump Administration’s radical fossil fuel agenda. Urgent action to make world leaders strengthen and honor their Paris Agreement commitments.
Led by former US Vice President Al Gore and CEO and President Ken Berlin, we do it by empowering everyday people to become activists, equipped with the tools, training, and network to fight for solutions and drive change planet-wide.
The result is over 20,000 Climate Reality Leaders mobilizing communities in over 150 countries. Branches in 10 critical nations and regions around the Earth. 100 activists chapters (and growing) pushing for practical clean energy policies across the US.
Together, they add up to a powerful movement growing by the day. One by the people. Of the people. For the planet. Join us.