Third Derivative (D3)
We combine a next-generation accelerator, committed venture capital, a curated ecosystem of global corporations, and unparalleled market, regulatory, and policy insights.
Startups hoping to transform our energy future face enormous challenges. They have more significant capital needs and longer paths to market than software startups favored by investors. They rely on large, slow-moving, risk-averse corporations as critical customers, deployment partners, and acquirers. They must navigate complex market, regulatory, and policy landscapes that favor incumbents and challenge disruptors.
That is why we have built Third Derivative: a global, vertically integrated engine for climate innovation. We bring startups, investors, corporations, and market, regulatory, and policy insights into the same program, working closely together toward a common goal: to increase the success and speed to market for climate innovation.
How do we do it? Simple: we find, fund, hone, and scale the most-promising advanced energy technologies to achieve larger, faster reductions in global carbon emissions.